Register now and discover the ultimate promotion pricing wizard for Business Central! Easily design captivating and lucrative promotions for your products, both simple and complex, with our user-friendly app. Increase sales, engage customers, and drive business growth effortlessly. Unlock the potential of your promotions today with the Dynavision Advanced Promotions app:
✅Design enticing promotions with our user-friendly wizard, covering basic offers like buy one get one free and percentage discounts.
✅Craft complex deals based on product attributes and amounts. From ‘buy two, get the third half-price’ to ‘buy 10 of the same brand, get 10% off,’ the options are limitless.
✅Our versatile templates simplify promotion creation.
✅Dynamic Invoice Line Promotions: Create targeted deals based on invoice line items, quantities, or attributes for maximum customer engagement and conversions.
✅Country-Specific Promotions: Target customers in specific regions with tailored offers based on header information, like the customer’s country.
✅Plan ahead with Timed Promotions, setting precise start and end dates for your offers.
✅Register & discover the full feature overview!
- Dynavision Introduction
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Can’t wait to try it out? Install a free trial via the Microsoft Appsource and follow the step by step app manual!
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About Dynavision:
Dynavision provides a portfolio of 30+ apps (and counting) on AppSource, each designed to meet real-world challenges and built on project experience. These apps are focused on distribution, wholesale, retail, beverages & general projects. Our apps are born in the cloud, designed to be highly configurable and continually adapt to changing market demands. We pride ourselves on maintaining a relentless commitment to quality and functionality, ensuring our partners and their customers always have the best tools at their disposal.