Release 22.0.6


  • New: support for new features from other Apps (Advanced Units for Purchase, Advanced Discounts for Purchase, Price List Management and Free Reusable Packaging)
  • New: Sort Function code unit (for Merge Sort, Insertion Sort and Bubble Sort)
  • Optimization: UX partner mappings for message framework
  • Fix: clearing data store for printing reports

Advanced Finance BE

  • Optimization: removed synchronize bank accounts from wizard (user needs to wait before this step can be executed)
  • Fix: OMG (structured message) long document number would cause error
  • Fix: VAT / enterprise number validation with formatting – insert additional formats + added support for German

Advanced Finance W1

  • New: fact box with Bill-to-customer details for sales order (existed already on Sales Invoice)
  • Optimization: tooltips

Elfsquad Connector

  • New: added subscriber
  • Optimization: Sync Configuration Items back to Elfsquad
  • Fix: Zero Length Error when sending Opportunity

Advanced Sync

  • Dependency – Elfsquad Connector

Report Layouts

  • New: Print Popup comments on Sales Pro Forma
  • New: extra publishers + default font size 10pt
  • Optimization: rework reusable packaging prices (Free reusable packaging)
  • Fix: clearing data store for printing reports
  • Fix: ‘UOM Code’ on the Sales Shipment
  • Fix: warehouse shipment (Qty andheader)

Advanced Units

  • New: Advanced Units for Purchase (invoicing UoM)

Planning & dispatch

  • New: delete multi-selection of Transport Trips


  • New: Preview PDF linked to Posted Invoice (attachment)
  • New: support for “Free” reusable packaging
  • Optimization: tooltips

Excise Duties

  • New: support for Advanced Discounts For Purchase

Reusable Packaging

  • New: “Free” reusable packaging (pallets)
  • New: Register for Purchase and Sales of reusable packaging
  • New: API’s including the “Free” and “Register”
  • New: support for Advanced Units for Purchase
  • Fix: Get-Receipt Lines and Get Return Shipment Lines and Get-Shipment Lines and Get- Return Receipts

Advanced Pricing & Discounts

  • New: price list management – manage price list lines (delete, set end date, …)
  • New: support for Free reusable packaging
  • New: advanced discounts for purchase
  • New: Change Item Price Group with existing prices, warning + procedure to update the price list lines
  • Optimization: tooltips

Cloud POS Light

  • Optimization: fix internal auto-testing


  • New: changed app name to Companyweb Business Information (update of current App + legacy App for upgrade process)
  • Optimization: upgrade code to migrate old “Check Address” setting to “Take over Company Name” and “Take over Address”

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