Dynavision Reusable Packaging

Dynavision Reusable packaging

Simplify reusable packaging administration in Business Central with Dynavision Reusable packaging, effortlessly linking special articles to units of measure for seamless integration.

App description

This extension allows you to link reusable packaging to the item units of measure.

If you use reusable packaging worth monetary deposits such as empties, empty containers, bottles, crates etc you want to have easy administration of these articles.

The Dynavision Reusable Packaging extension links these special articles to the unit of measure in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

This way you don’t have to worry about adding them to purchase orders or sales quotes or any other documents. Just add your item and its unit of measure and the linked reusable packaging will be added.

These linked items will also follow your complete incoming and outgoing warehouse flows so you have a correct idea about the value of them in transit.

Inventory journaling allows for counting and corrections of your reusable packaging.

Dynavision Reusable Packaging in action


Dynavision Reusable Packaging Manual

Download the most recent version of the manual using following link.

Get Started Manual

Find information for getting started with the Dynavision applications by choosing following link.

Frequently asked questions

Can I install a free trial?

Yes, you can install a free trial of all Dynavision apps via Microsoft AppSource. Simply go to the app page, and click on the button “free trial”. You will be able to use the app for 28 days, when this period is over the app will be disables.

The app pricing is available upon request, you can contact sales through the contact form via following link: contact us.

On-prem installation is available upon request, depending on the NAV/BC version you are using. As we are a SaaS focused ISV we might have to make adaptations to the app in order to make it available for on-prem use.

At the moment we support Dutch, English and French for most of our apps. Adding translations to your native language is available upon request. Contact sales to discuss the possibilities through our contact form via following link: contact us.

The Dynavision apps are available in every country that is supported by Microsoft, with the exception of a few Finance apps that focus on local legislation: Advanced Finance BE, Companyweb Financial Services, POM payments app & Dynavision Graydon.